NHS Digital maintain a toolkit to help health and care organisations achieve greater levels of interoperability. This toolkit is a collection of guidelines and specifications, backed with an associated conformance scheme.

The toolkit was launched in 2010 and a number of release updates have been made since then.

  • The latest release is ITK 3.0, which has been defined to support an initial set of Transfer of Care message but secondary care and a patient’s GP (acute, emergency and mental health discharge summaries). Note this version of ITK is not currently used for other UEC flows.
  • The previous major release was ITK 2.2, released in October 2016. This still used widely across Urgent and Emergency Care and other domains. Release 2.2 of ITK is no longer considered a strategic messaging approach, though it is supported for the continued use within existing domain settings.

ITK is documented in the Interoperability Toolkit section of the NHS Digital developer site.

Example introductory guides, including information on the conformance scheme for ITK2.2 version, can be found at various points of the NHS Digital developer site: